Transmitter Impound and Frequency Board

Transmitter Impound

The Transmitter Impound Area is used as a safe place for transmitters during events. If you don't have your transmitter with you, you will not be likely to turn it on without checking the frequency board. There are some farily expensive aircraft flying, and to cause an accident through carelessness is to be avoided. If you are the only person flying, the use of the impound area is not necessary. There are two clips for your AMA/WRCC card on the frequency board: outside clip before you turn your radio on and inside clip, when you are not using your radio. If you're on the field having a great flight, or using your transmitter in the pits, your membership card is on the outside clip, plainly visible to other flyers or just arriving flyers. When you finish your flight, move your card to the inside clip. At a contest or meet, there are no exceptions to this rule. The reasons, hopefully, are obvious: a careless flip of the "On" switch could result in the costly loss of an aircraft (and maybe a friendship).

Some of us have gotten into some bad habits:
* Taxiing our aircraft from the runway towards the pits
* Flying alone (not recommended but not outlawed either)
* Bringing dogs that are not on leash
* Letting children around the front of the pit table
* Leaving "stuff" behind
* Not using the Frequency Board and Transmitter Impound

Familiarize yourself with the WRCC FIELD RULES
At all times the AMA Safety Code is to be adhered to.
Click here to review the AMA Safety Code

If your name, address and phone number is not in your airplane, your AMA insurance is invalid!!

Helicopter Safety from Bill Perry:

I'd like to discuss a few safety related items concerning model operation at our field. By nature, fixed wing and helicopters create a very odd mix of performance envelopes and it may take a measure of understanding and common courtesy for the two disciplines to co-exist at the same airfield. Here are a few simple guidelines for all helicopter pilots flying at the WRCC Field.

A thorough "body-off" preflight inspection including a check of batteries, push rods, plugs, etc., (remember all those moving parts?) on the first flight of the day at a minimum.

Beginners (able to hover or close in forward flight) and all test flights should fly from the designated  helicopter area.

If you are comfortable with forward flight, then fly in the standard aircraft pattern.

While in the pattern, as a courtesy to our fixed wing friends, please give the right-of-way to all takeoff and landing aircraft (remember, they can't just stop and hover like us).

Clear the runway as quickly as possible after landing or land in the practice area to keep the runway open.

Never ground taxi (hover) in or out of the pit area; carry your helicopter to and from the takeoff and landing area.

Remember, most pilots, including myself, are a little intimidated by helicopters because the potential for danger is obvious. The answer to Rodney King's timeless question "Can't we all just get along?" should be a simple yes, if we follow these basic guidelines and try to exhibit a measure of common courtesy while flying with our fixed wings friends.